
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I don't know what I knew before But now I know I wanna win the war

It's been such a long time since I've finished making something. Funny enough I feel as if I have doula'd so many other people's writing, whether it be through my screenwriting classes that I teach or coaching my friend on her blog to help promote her product. I successfully branded her and have helped many others in the same way. What does it mean when your identity revolves around helping others? Its the beta male of identities isn't it? Think about it: Producers vs Directors, Teachers vs artists, Doula's vs the Birther. In every scenario its the person who's DOING who comes out the rock star and its the helper who gets the phone calls, thanks and misty gratification. And that's no one's fault but our own. Don't get me wrong- there are innumerable levels of helper statii that garner serious respect: Nurses, social workers, campaign advisors, political speech writers, ghost writers, well heck- screenwriters...they never get any respect. But how do we optimize the aspect of personality that everyone loves about us to help ourselves. The other day I received a txt basically asking me to travel to my home town and spend the night to chat with a friend to help her organize her thoughts because her husband, mother, therapist and coworkers could not. WHY? Because I was willing to go to the distance. Because on some level i pride myself on my ability to be courageous with other other people's emotions, secrets and problems. I'm not afraid of ugly. I am afraid of mediocrity. And now of obsolescence. Soldier on kids.

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